Admittedly, I’ve got a great young eater. Sure, there are strikes, changes of mind (she will, every day, ask for an ‘eggy sandwich’ and then refuse to eat it. Mea culpa for continuing to make it for her). But all in all, she’s great. She is, however, not above the classic kid food aversion—MY FOODS…
To Make Friends Do This
Making legitimate friends as an adult is hard. Really. Hard. There’s a lot to say on the subject and to do it justice, well, you’re betting off listening this great episode of the Forever35 podcast. Instead I’ll tell you about the first two years of trying to make friends in our new city. Please follow…
A Roast Chicken is a Happy Chicken
The conventional advice of blogging goes something like this—find your niche. Find your niche, then niche it up some more. I ignore this advice. There’s too much to say and share to narrow this space down to vintage quilting patterns from early New England settlers (just made this up, but not a bad topic). If…
Feels Like Friday: Pumpkin Chip Cookies
One of my favorite parts of reading blogs is looking forward to compelling series—content publish around a centralized theme at pretty typical intervals. Like Motherhood Around the World on Cup of Jo. So, so good. This isn’t Motherhood Around the World, but it’s what I’ve got right now—Feels Like Friday. Because Friday is a good…
An Easy Fall Project
It might have been the increasing number of leaf decoupages and sticker collages coming home in her backpack. It could have been C asking to paint a pumpkin for the 27th time this week. Either way, I realized this week I should probably dig deep and offer this kid some crafting action. She’s ready. Please…
A Meal Plan is a Life Plan
Meal planning=life. The dinner dilemma is a challenge as old as time. Millions of blog posts, thousands of cookbooks, a common discussion among friends. What to have for dinner, and, more critically, how to logistically get that dinner on the table is the heart of the question. And I have the answer. Make a plan….
Trust in the Tulip
The last Sunday in September. One of those just-post-equinox days where the angle of the sun streaks through a certain front porch window, at a certain angle, at a certain time, and you know. You know you’ve probably jumped in the ocean for the last time of the year. You know you’ve harvested your last…